Ladataan Tapahtumat

« Kaikki Tapahtumat

ABC of Association Administration

21.05.2025 @ 17:0019:00

The ABC of Association Administration is an introduction course to the legislation and rules concerning association administration in Finland. The training will give you a basic understanding of the principles of good governance and democratic decision-making in an association, as well as the different roles and responsibilities in positions of trust.  The instructor of the webinar is Finnish Refugee Council’s specialist.

Time: 21.5.2025 at 17.00-19.00

Place: Webinar

Target group: Board members and other active actors in multicultural associations and migrant-led associations. The training is suitable for newly founded associations, people interested in founding an association as well as for anyone interested in association activities in Finland.

After the training you will be able to:

  • have an understanding of how the Associations Act and the rules of the association regulate the association’s activities
  • recognize the basics of good governance in an association
  • list the positions of trust in an association and their responsibilities
  • list the most important financial responsibilities of an association
  • understand the meaning of an operations inspection

PRICE: Free of charge

REGISTRATION: Sign up by filling in the registration form on this website by 18.5.2025


MORE INFORMATION: assistant Sanni Oravuo

The information provided via the registration form will be stored in Järjestöhautomo’s (Finnish Refugee Council) customer register. The information will not be shared with third parties. Please see our privacy notice for more information.







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