From widow to business owner – Financial management training supports women’s economic independence in Uganda

Mapendo Sifa, 30, a mother of three, has lived in Uganda for close to thirteen ...

Kaitani Bariyanga, who attended Refugee Council’s trainings in Uganda: “I thought saving money was not for refugees”

Uganda is one of the world’s largest refugee-hosting countries. The country has more than 1.5 ...

Zahra and Mervi – friendship without a common language

Language learning and the scent of cardamom While working as a volunteer at the reception ...

Yvapurü Studio – A Meeting Place for Artists

 Yvapurü had his own studio in Barcelona for years, and after arriving in Finland, he ...

Finnish-somali family community – caring through dance and laughter

Hawa’s family moved to Finland in the 1990s: Biyonde was able to bring her sister’s ...

Arctic Immigrants – Story of Ama

From a concept to an association that is open to all   AMA took its first ...

Integrating refugees with disabilities into the community through education and considering their special needs

It is estimated that around 15 % of the world’s population has some form of ...

First Covid, now Ebola – Finnish Refugee Council supports refugees

Background In 2020, Uganda like the rest of the world was negatively impacted by the ...

Humanity, Expertise and Internationality – Finnish Refugee Council’s Brand Renewed

Finnish Refugee Council (FRC) is Finland’s largest expert organisation specialising in refugee and migration issues, ...

The immeasurable value of literacy—International Literacy Day reminds us of the importance of literacy for refugees

Today, the 8th of September, we celebrate UN International Literacy Day. Unfortunately, learning to read ...