Key objectives of Finnish Refugee Council’s advocacy work:
- The fundamental and human rights of every person affected by forced displacement and seeking protection are respected both at and within national borders. This includes respect for international conventions, a fair, humane and reliable asylum system, safe and legal migration pathways, the right to freedom and humane treatment, and the right to family unity.
Integration is personalised and effective. Individually tailored and quality integration services reach all those who need them. Refugees and other vulnerable people are better identified and taken into account by public authorities and services.
- Finland has an anti-racist and positive attitude towards immigrants and diversity. We work to prevent polarisation, to dispel prejudices and to increase empathy and understanding towards other people. We work to dismantle structures of inequality and do anti-racist work to promote equality.
Finland’s development cooperation is long-term and goal-oriented. Our goal is for Finland to shoulder its global responsibility by defending development cooperation and investing at least 0.7% of Finland’s GDP in financing it. Development cooperation and humanitarian aid will not be used as a tool for managing migration, and this principle will also be defended at the EU level.