The Finnish Refugee Council works to promote interethnic relations and help immigrants to adapt to their new living environment. We encourage active citizenship for both immigrants and the majority population.

Peer activities

Through peer activities, participants receive information and support from peer tutors and others in similar situations. They can discuss issues related to their lives in their native language. Peer activities can boost the participants’ self-confidence, broaden their knowledge and resources, and help them find their place in the new society.

We train peer counsellors and support organisations in starting and developing peer activities to participate in, regardless of one’s background. We also coordinate the VeTo network.

Please read more about peer activities, trainings, organisational collaboration and the VeTo network on our webpage.


FRC’s Järjestöhautomo provides free help and support for association activities and civic engagement. We specialise in supporting multicultural associations. Our services include consulting and training in associations activities from basics to strategic development, and in other civic engagement.

Civic Engagement supports immigrants’ integration and active citizenship. With our help, you can strengthen your language and civic skills, grow your network, get involved in causes that matter to you, and make a difference.

For more information, please visit the webpage of Järjestöhautomo.


As FRC’s volunteer, you help refugees and immigrants in integrating to Finland. You meet people, learn new things and help us make Finland a place where everyone can live a good life. You can support immigrants with everyday activities, learning Finnish, and searching for work.

We offer a wide range of volunteer tasks and are constantly looking for new volunteers to join our amazing team! Please read more about volunteering and find the most suitable task for you on our webpage.

Global education

FRC trains volunteer global educators to facilitate free workshops about refugee issues in schools around Finland. During the school visits, refugee issues are discussed in a memorable and understandable way. Global educators guide functional exercises that offer new perspectives, develop empathy skills, and inspire to work for a more equal world.

FRC provides tools for teachers and educators to address refugee and sustainable development issues in the classroom. We also provide training for educators on how to address refugee issues and the link between refugee issues and climate change.

We organise a training course for global educators annually. Please find more information on our webpage for volunteers.

To learn more about FRC’s global education materials or order a school visit, please visit our webpage.