Refugee of the Year 2024 Sa Myer Oo

© Julius Töyrylä Finnish Refugee Council has chosen Sa Myer Oo from Vaasa as the ...

Using Adult Education to Foster Positive Social Change in one Community Palabek Refugee Settlement in Northern Uganda

Literacy is key in ensuring that the world is more sustainable, peaceful, and financially secure. ...

Refugee of the year 2023 Berivan Suleiman

© Julius Töyrylä Finnish Refugee Council has chosen Berivan Suleiman, from Helsinki, as Refugee of ...

First Covid, now Ebola – Finnish Refugee Council supports refugees

Background In 2020, Uganda like the rest of the world was negatively impacted by the ...

The immeasurable value of literacy—International Literacy Day reminds us of the importance of literacy for refugees

Today, the 8th of September, we celebrate UN International Literacy Day. Unfortunately, learning to read ...

Refugee Man of the Year 2022 is Aladdin Delli

Finally safe after the war and medical malpractice “Today we are learning the alphabet of ...

Refugee Woman of the Year 2022 is Lama Kourdi

From war-torn Syria to wintery Finland It is the year 2015. A woman arrives in ...

Refugees of the Year 2022 have been announced

Finnish Refugee Council has chosen Lama Kourdi, from Tampere, as the Refugee Woman of the ...

The coronavirus pandemic has increased refugees’ vulnerability in FRC’s operating countries

During the coronavirus pandemic, refugees have been increasingly vulnerable in refugee camps over the past ...

Finnish Refugee Council’s panel discussion on functional adult literacy in the European Humanitarian Forum

Finnish Refugee Council participated in the European Humanitarian Forum, which took place in Brussels from ...