South Sudan, located in the Horn of Africa, is the world’s youngest country, having gained independence from Sudan in 2011 after a long civil war. The country has a population of approximately 12.4 million people. South Sudan is culturally and ethnically diverse, with over 60 languages spoken. The majority of the population belongs to Christianity or indigenous religions.   

South Sudan has 2.2 million internally displaced persons. Conflicts, food shortages and extreme climatic events such as floods and droughts have driven people into inhumane living conditions. In South Sudan, women and children in particular face significant violence and abuse.   

More than 2 million South Sudanese have been forced to flee to neighbouring countries, making it one of the largest refugee populations on the African continent. However, hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese have returned to their homeland over the past two years. The return is due to the conflict in Sudan, which began in spring 2023, as well as food shortages and inter-ethnic unrest in Ethiopia. Many of the returnees are staying in underdeveloped areas in South Sudan and are therefore also in a very vulnerable situation. 

Finnish Refugee Council in South Sudan

To support South Sudanese returnees, FRC provides cash assistance and financial literacy training to hundreds of households. The purpose of the cash assistance is to support people’s survival and enable them to buy basic necessities such as food, shelter and hygiene items. Through financial literacy training, people learn how to both write and count their money and better manage their finances. Information on gender-based violence and its prevention is also provided to returnees. Survivors of gender based violence are also referred to support services as part of the project activities.

Project summary 

Supporting vulnerable returnees from Sudan & Ethiopia and local population in South Sudan border areas 

Conflict and insecurity, combined with drought and floods are the key drivers of people’s needs in South Sudan, a situation further worsened by the inability of the Gov. of South Sudan to provide basic services. The food security situation is alarming as 7.1 million individuals are projected to face acute food insecurity in 2024. The outbreak of conflict in Sudan triggered the return of South-Sudanese refugees and as of November 2023 already 400,000 returnees had arrived. In addition, the ethnic conflict and inadequate humanitarian assistance in the bordering Gambella Region in Ethiopia, where over 400,000 South-Sudanese refugees are hosted, has resulted in substantial returns, especially to border areas like Akobo East County. According to the needs assessment done in Akobo the priorities are food assistance, inputs for livelihood activities, Non-food items/shelter materials as well as dignity kits for females. To respond to these needs FRC together with its partner Nile Hope are providing multi-purpose cash support and financial literacy training to 500 households and provide awareness raising and support services related to Gender Based Violence.  

Budget: 679 000 EUR  
Duration: 1 year 
Start date: 1st of May 2024 
Type/Sector: Humanitarian assistance/multi-sectoral 
Donor: Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland – Humanitarian office  


Francis Eswap 
Country director
+211 922 03 47 01
+211 912 32 72 38 


Plot No. 573 Block 3-K South  
First Class Area,Tongping, Juba NA Bari, 
Opposite Nile Fortune Hotel, Lakes Road,


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