Humanity, Expertise and Internationality – Finnish Refugee Council’s Brand Renewed

Sininen logo, jossa juuret ja lehtiä, ja sininen Suomen Pakolaisapu -teksti violetilla taustalla.

Finnish Refugee Council (FRC) is Finland’s largest expert organisation specialising in refugee and migration issues, with a focus on defending human rights. The core of our organisation is reflected in our new brand image, which changes the presentation of our website, social media publications, and all other communications.

In addition to the new colour scheme, our logo has changed. The new logo symbolises both new beginnings and strong roots. Both themes relate to the people affected by forced displacement. Support for this diverse group of people is at the heart of FRC’s work.

Also, the new brand seeks to emphasise the principles in the core of FRC’s work – humanity, expertise and internationalism. In addition to these core principles, a commitment to human rights and their promotion permeates the whole organisation. We believe that human rights are crucial to defend when it is most difficult, and that supporting the most vulnerable is a value in itself.

The rebranding has been carried out in partnership with marketing and influencer agency Måndag Creative. Work on the new look has been intensive since February 2022, and the results of this collaboration are now gradually becoming public.